Application Design and Development

GPBO E-Commerce Site

A platform designed for online store of a neighborhood baking outlet. The social driven platform allows registered customers to browse, add/remove items, and check out the shopping cart.


Great Pittsburgh Baking Outlet (GPBO) is a e-commerce system where customers will be able to go online and order from a selection of baking equipment and supplies, such as baking sheets, muffin pans, a variety of flours, extracts, and the materials that have been featured on the television series. Customers can search for these items, find them on a featured items page, or browse from lists in different categories to find items that they want to purchase and then add those items to a cart. When finished, customers can complete their purchases, paying for the items as well as shipping and sales taxes, using a major credit card.


Given the popularity of the series The Great British Baking Show, the local Pittsburgh PBS station WQED has scrapped the studio of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood and has converted it to the set for the next huge television hit series: The Great Pittsburgh Baking Show. Seeing local Pittsburgh people preparing culinary delights will revive the station and bring in much needed viewers. Moreover, the station wants to create an online store called the Great Pittsburgh Bakery Outlet, where amateur chefs purchase a variety of baking equipment and supplies that are used on the show.

Individual Project as Technical Consultant

CMU Information Systems

Application Design and Development 2022 Spring

Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Figma

Feb 2022 - May 2022

Project Duration:

Tools & Languages used:

User stories

Entity Relationship Diagram

Use Case Diagram

Used graphical representation that depicts relationships among people, objects, places, concepts or events within an information technology system.

Defined how actors of the system(customer, guest admin) can

Highlighted features

Actor: Customer

Customers can add items to cart and create new orders.

Actor: Customer

Log in as customer to view items, account information, past orders, and current cart

Actor: Admin

Admins can log in to edit item listing, view customers, past successful orders, and see employee list.

Actor: Guest

Guests can only view the items, but not creating a cart. They may also choose to become a new customer of GPBO


I designed hi-fidelity data dashboards for client to use to track, analyze, and display data—in order to gain insight into the overall wellbeing of an organization, department, or specific process.

Two kinds of dashboards are provided for different purposes.

  1. Business dashboard

    Business dashboard is used by VPs and Owners of GPBO. They are in the position to make business decisions concerning GPBO. Business decisions can involve questions such as: What is the future direction of GPBO? Is it possible to open new stores around Pittsburgh in X amount of years?

  2. Shipper dashboard

    Shipper needs to see a list of all the unshipped orders ordered chronologically, details of the orders, and a backlog for inventory.